
本書は特に写本情報において略号を使いましたが、それらは本書の執筆において模範となった『梵語仏典の研究 IV 密教経典篇』、平楽寺書店(1989年)の略号表 (pp. xi-xix) とほぼ同じです。同書で使っていない写本カタログを本書ではいくつか追加しています。

写本情報の記述の仕方については、同書の凡例 (p. viii)もご覧下さい。BSPの記述において、例えばBSP t#r 97(2-140)とある場合、t#r 97 kramaa+nka(通し番号)の番号としてのt#r 97----t#rは梵語のt#ritiiyaの意味で、Bir Libraryの3回目の蔵書拡大時に獲得された文献を示す----を意味し、2BSPの仏教篇(第7部)の第2巻を意味し、140vi#sayaa+nka(分類番号)を意味します。

略号 Abbreviation

Aa%saa ‥‥ Janak Laal Vaidya and Prem Bahaadur Ka sakaar: A Descriptive Catalogue of Selected Manuscripts preserved at the Aa%saa Saphuu Kuthi (Aa%saa Archives), Kathmandu,1991

ASB ・・・・・Catalogue of printed books and manuscripts in Sanskrit belonging to the Oriental Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Compiled by Pa#n#dit Kunja Vihari Kaavyatiirtha under the supervision of Haraprasaad Shaastri. Calcutta, 1904. pp. 243-257: "Buddhist MSS. collected from Nepal by B. H. Hodgson."

BauDV・・・・・Nepaalaraa#s#triya-pustakaalayastha-hastalikhita-pustakaanaa#m Suuciipatram, Bauddhadar%sanavi#saya#h prathamabhaaga#h, prathamakha#n#da#h (Puraatatva-prakaa%sanamaalaa 26), Kathmandu, 1964.  (ヘムラージ旧蔵図書)

Bendall ・・・・・ Catalogue of the Buddhist Sanskrit Manuscripts in the University Library, Cambridge, by Cecil Bendall. Cambridge, 1883.

Bir ・・・・・Buddhist Manuscripts of the Bir Library (Taisho University 1955).

BSP・・・・・%Sriinepaalaraajakiiyaviira-pustakaalayastha-pustakaanaa#m B#rhatsuuciipatram, Bauddhavi#sayaka#h saptamo bhaaga#h, kha#n#da 13 (Puraatatva-prakaa%sanamaalaa 29, 38, 39), Kathmandu, 1964-1966.  

Ch. ・・・・・漢訳

CowellEggeling ・・・・・Catalogue of Buddhist Sanskrit Manuscripts in the possession of the Royal Asiatic Society, London (Hodgson Collection), by E. B. Cowell and J. Eggeling, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1876, pp. 5-50.

D ・・・・・デルゲ版チベット大蔵経

Dogra ・・・・・A Handlist of the Manuscripts in North Indian Languages in the Library, by R. C. Dogra, London: School of Oriental and African Studies, 1978.

Durbar<1905>・・・・・A Catalogue of Palm-Leaf and Selected Paper Manuscripts belonging to the Durbar Library, Nepal. By Haraprasad Sastri, with a historical introduction by C. Bendall. Calcutta, 1905.

Durbar ・・・・・A Catalogue of Palm-Leaf and Selected Paper Manuscripts belonging to the Durbar Library, Nepal. Vol. II. By Haraprasad Sastri, Calcutta, 1915.

Filliozat ・・・・・Catalogue du fonds sanskrit, par J. Filliozat, 1941.

GoshimaNoguchi ・・・・・A Succinct Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the possession of the Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University, compiled by K. Goshima and K. Noguchi, Kyoto, 1983.

IASWR・・・・・Buddhist Sanskrit Manuscripts, a Title List of the Microfilm Collection of the Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions, New York, 1975.

Iwamoto ・・・・・Catalogue of the Buddhist Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of Tokai University, by Yutaka Iwamoto, 『東海大学紀要(文学部)』2, 1958, pp. 1-137.

Kaneko et al. ・・・・・A Descriptive Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the possession of the Toyo Bunko, by R. Kaneko and Y. Matsunami with the collaboration of K. Saito, Memoirs of the Research Deparment of the Toyo Bunko, 37, 1973, pp. 151-191.

Kodama ・・・・・List of Gilgit Manuscripts in the Private Library of his Highnessthe Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir (by Daien Kodama, Journal of Ryukoku University 420, 1982). 小玉大圓:カシュミール仏教研究の課題と展望(1)、『龍大論集』420, 昭和57, pp. 54-72.

L ・・・・・『東京大学所蔵ラサ版チベット大蔵経目録』、高崎直道編、東京大学文学部印度哲学印度文学研究室, 1965.

Leningrad ・・・・・G. M. Bongard-Levin and M. I. Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya: Indien Texts from Central Asia (Leningrad Manuscript Collection), <Bibliographia Philologica Buddhica, Series Minor V>, 1986

Lienhard ・・・・・Siegfried Lienhard: Nepalese Manuscripts, Part 1: Nevaarii and Sanskrit, Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz Berlin, Stuttgard 1988.

Matsunami ・・・・・A Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Tokyo University Library. Compiled by Seiren Matsunami, 1965.

Mironov ・・・・・Catalogue of Indian Manuscripts Library Publication Department, Collection of E. P. Minaev and some friends. Compiler N. D. Mironoff. Pt. 1. Published by the Russian Academy of Science, Petrograd, 1918.

MS(S). ・・・・・Manuscript(s).

Nagao ・・・・・長尾雅人:カトマンドゥの仏教写本典籍、『岩井博士古稀記念・典籍論集』, 昭和 38, pp 10-15. Kaiser Collection の部)

NCC IXI ・・・・・New Catalogus Catalogorum: An Alphabetical Register of Sanskrit and Allied Works and Authors, begun by V. Raghavan, Vo. I, I (rev. ed.) , IIXI, Madras, 19491983.

NGMPP ・・・・・A Concordance of H. P. %Saastrii's Catalogue of the Durbar Library and the Microfilms of the Nepal-German Manuscripts Preservation Project, by Reinhold Gr%unendahl, Stuttgart, 1989.

NGMPP-Card ・・・・・Nepal-German Manuscripts Preservation Project Card-Catalogue, Nepal Research Centre, Kathmandu. (NGMPP の監督者 Prof. Dr. A. Wetzler 氏からの1992年3月10日付けの書簡でNepal Research Centreのカード・ボックスの写本情報を使用する許可を得ました。当時のNepal Research Centreの長 Dr. Franz Karl Ehrhard 氏ならびにProf. Dr. A. Wetzler 氏のご厚意に感謝いたします。筆者記)

N(K) ・・・・・長島尚道:大正大学所蔵・チベット大蔵経ナルタン版甘殊爾目録、『大正大学研究紀要(仏教学部・文学部)』61, 昭和50, pp. 760-726.

N(T) ・・・・・『大正大学所蔵チベット大蔵経ナルタン版論疏部目録』、壬生台舜編、Tokyo, 1967.

Ota ・・・・・『影印北京版西蔵大蔵経総目録』西蔵大蔵経研究会, Tokyo, 1961

P ・・・・・北京版チベット大蔵経

SA ・・・・・Catalogue des manuscripts sanskrits et tib+etains de la Soci+et+e Asiatique, par Jean Filliozat, Journal Asiatique, CCXXXIII, 1941-42, pp. 1-81.

Saa+nk#rtyaayana ・・・・・The Journal of the Bihar & Orissa Research Society, Patna, XXI. i. pp. 21-43, "Sanskrit Palm-leaf manuscripts in Tibet"; XXII. i. pp. App. D-J. a list of Buddhist logic works; XXIII. vii. (1937) pp. 1-57, "Second Search of Sanskrit Palm-leaf MSS. in Tibet"; XXIV. iv. (1938) pp.137-163, "Search for Sanskrit MSS. in Tibet", by Rahula Sankrityayana.

%Saastrii ・・・・・A Descriptive Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Government Collection under the care of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal. By Haraprasad Sastri. Vol. I. Buddhist Manuscripts, Calcutta, 1917.

Sanada ・・・・・Catalogue of the Buddhist Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of Ryukoku University, by A. Sanada, 『西域文化 IV』、pp. 95-118.

SBLN ・・・・・The Sanskrit Buddhist Literature of Nepal, by Rajendralala Mitra. The Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, 1882.

Skt. ・・・・・サンスクリット語

Skt.+ Nw. ・・・・・Sanskrit and Newaarii

sTog ・・・・・A Catalogue of the sTog Palace Kanjur, by T. Skorupski, Tokyo, 1985.

Takaoka・・・・・ A Microfilm Catalogue of the Buddhist Manuscripts in Nepal, Vol. I, Buddhist Library (仏教資料文庫), Japan, 1981.

Thomas ・・・・・Catalogue of the Sanskrit and Praakrit manuscripts in the Library of the India Office, Vol. II in 2 Parts by A. B. Keith, with a supplement-- Buddhist manuscript-- by F. W. Thomas. London, 1935. D. Buddhist Literature (pp. 1391-1428).

Tib. ・・・・・チベット語訳

Toh ・・・・・『西蔵大蔵経総目録』、宇井・鈴木・金倉・多田、Sendai, 1934.

Turfan I, II, III, IV, ....・・・・・Sanskrithandschriften aus den Turfanfunden, hr. von E. Waldschmidt. Teil I, II, III, IV, ....

Velankar ・・・・・A Descriptive Catalogue of Sa#msk#rta and Praak#rta Manuscripts in the Library of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. By H. D. Velankar. Vol. 3/4, Appendix: Buddhist Manuscripts, Bombay, 1930.

WinternitzKeith ・・・・・Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library. Vol. II. Begun by M. Winternitz and compiled by A. B. Keith, Oxford, 1905.
