
1) M. Hahn(1985): Der grosse Legendenkranz (Mahhjjaatakamaalaa), Wiesbaden, S.15-16.

2) Eug#ene Burnouf(1844): Introduction #a l'histoire du Buddhisme indien, Paris.; 2nd. ed., 1876.

3) Rajendralala Mitra(1882): The Sanskrit Buddhist Literature of Nepal, Calcutta.

4) Sarat Chandra Daas & Hari Mohan Vidyaabhuusha#na(1888-1917): Avadaana Kalpalataa, A Collection of Legendary Stories about the Bodhisattvas by Kshemendra, with its Tibetan Version called Rtogs brjod dpag bsam #hkhri %Si+n by %So+nton Loch$ava and Pa#n#dita Lakshmiikara. Now first edited form a xylograph of Lhasa and Sanskrit manuscripts of Nepal, 2 vols., <Bibliotheca Indica>, Calcutta.

5) P. L. Vaidya(1959): Avadaanakalpalataa, <Buddhist Sanskrit Texts, 22 and 23>, Darbhanga, 2 vols.

6) 岩本裕(1968):『スマーガダー・アヴァダーナ研究』、法蔵館。[新版:開明書院、1979年]

7) Markus G%ortz(1993): Die Legende von Sumaagadhaa. Bearbeitung und %Ubersetzung von zwei indischen und einer tibetischen Fassung, Marburg 1993, 240 pp. Typoskript. (Magisterarbeit)

8) Kabita Das Gupta(1978): Vi%svantaraavadaana.Eine buddhistische Legende. Edition eines Textes auf Sanskrit und auf Tibetisch.Eingeleitet und %ubersetzt, Inauguraldissertation, Berlin.

9) J. W. de Jong(1977): The Bodhisattvaavadaanakalpalataa and the #Sa#ddataavadaana, Buddhist Thought and Asian Civilisation. Essays in Honor of Herbert V. Guenther on His Sixtieth Birthday, Emeryville, Cal., pp.27-38.

10) J. W. de Jong(1979a): The sanskrit text of the #Sa#ddataavadaana, Indologica Taurinensia, Vol. VII, pp.281-297.

11) J. W. de Jong(1979b): Textcritical Remarks on the Bodhisattvaavadaanakalpalataa (Pallavas 42-108), <Studia Philologica Buddhica, Monograph Series, II>, Tokyo.

12) Paul M. Williams(1981): Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1981, pp.91-92.

13) Marek Mejor (1992): K#semendra's Bodhisattvaavadaanakalpalataa. Studies and Materials. Tokyo, The International Institut for Buddhist Studies (Studia Philologica Buddhica, Monograph Series, VIII)

14) Vidhushekhara Bhattacharya(1939): Bho#taprakaa%sa.A Tibetan Chrestomathy with introduction, skeleton grammar, notes, texts and vocabularies, Calcutta.

15) The Journal of the Buddhist Text Society of India, vol.I〜VII, 1893-1906. この雑誌がそれ後も続いたかどうかは不明である。

16) Nobin Chandra Das(1895): Legends and Miracles of Buddha, Sakya Sinha.Part I.Translated from the Avadan Kalpalata of Bodhisattwas of the great Sanskrit poet Kshemendra, Calcutta.

17) August Hermann Francke(1901): Ekasringa Prinz Einhorn. Aus dem Sanskrit des 65. Gesanges des Avadana Kalpalata des Kaschmir-Dichter Kschemendra, %ubers., Leipzig.

18) Giuseppe Tucci(1949): Tibetan Painted Scrolls.an artistic and symbolic illustration of 172 tibetan paintings preceeded by a survey of the historical, artistic, and religious development of tibetan culture with an article of P. Pelliot on a Mongol edict, the translation of historical documents and an appendix on prebuddhistic ideas of Tibet, 2 vols, Roma. v. Vol.II, pp.437-534

19) S. Chandra Das(1965): Rtogs-brjod dpag-bsam #hkhri-%si+n gi s%nan-tshig gi rgyan lhug-par bkrol-pa mtho+n-ba don-ldan shes-bya-ba, New Delhi. この書は東北大学『西蔵撰述仏典目録』の蔵外文献には入っていない。東北大学書架に存する:IV B/13/K16。 

20) W. Zinkgr%af(1940): Vom Divyaavadaana zur Avadaanakalpalataa, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte eines Avadaana, Heidelberg.


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