Bibliography of published papers of Kiyoshi Okano

Japanese titles are translated into English

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of HaribhaTTa's JAtakamAlA (7) - A Japanese Translation of Chaps. 9, 21, 29, 31, 33 -", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 83, March 2024, pp. 1-57.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of the AvadAnakalpalatA and the AvadAnamAlAs (12) - 25 AbhiniSkramaNa, 26 MAravidrAvaNa, 27 ZAkyotpatti -", South Asian Clasical Studies, No. 18, July 2023, pp. 197-300.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of HaribhaTTa's JAtakamAlA (6) - A Translation and Folkloristic Remarks of the KinnarIsushanajAtaka -", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 82, March 2023, pp. 37-125.

Kiyoshi Okano, "Creation of the History of Sattvaloka in Indian Buddhism", The Journal of the Nippon Buddhist Research Assocation, No. 86, August 2022, pp. 106-128.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of the AvadAnakalpalatA and the AvadAnamAlAs (11) - TJAM Chapters 16-19 -", South Asian Clasical Studies, No. 17, July 2022, pp. 1-123.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of HaribhaTTa's JAtakamAlA (5) - A Japanese Translation of Chaps. 23, 27, 34 -", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 81, March 2022, pp. 41-106.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of the AvadAnakalpalatA and the AvadAnamAlAs (10) - Works of Jayamuni and Chapter 15 of TJAM -", South Asian Clasical Studies, No. 16, July 2021, pp. 51-138.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of HaribhaTTa's JAtakamAlA (4) - A Japanese Translation of Chaps. 22, 24, 26, 32 -", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 80, March 2021, pp. 41-95.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of Buddhist AvadAnamAlAs in Nepal: About ZaGkarasvAmin's DevAtizayastotra, and Some AvadAnamAlAs Related to Jayamuni", Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Vol. 69, No. 3, March 2021, pp. (165)-(173). (This paper is written in English, not Japanese)

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of the AvadAnakalpalatA and the AvadAnamAlAs (9) - DevatAtizayastotra, SMRAM Chap. 20 and TJAM Chap. 14 (II) -", South Asian Clasical Studies, No. 15, July 2020, pp. 89-227.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of HaribhaTTa's JAtakamAlA (3) - A Japanese Translation of Chaps. 12, 14, 19, 20 -", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 79, March 2020, pp. 47-111.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of the AvadAnakalpalatA and the AvadAnamAlAs (8) - Jayamuni, TJAM Chap. 14 (I), SMRAM Chap. 21 and AvadAnakalpalatA Chap. 84 -", South Asian Clasical Studies, No. 14, July 2019, pp. 1-123.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of HaribhaTTa's JAtakamAlA (2) - A Japanese Translation of Chaps. 6-8, 11 -", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 78, March 2019, pp. 55-103.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of the 'Verses of the Six Realms of Existence' (SaDgatikArikAH) - Its Sanskrit, Tibetan, PAli and Chinese texts -", South Asian Clasical Studies, No. 13, July 2018, pp. 1-164.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of HaribhaTTa's JAtakamAlA (1) - A Japanese Translation of Chaps. 1-5 -", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 77, March 2018, pp. 77-135.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of the AvadAnakalpalatA and the AvadAnamAlAs (7) - Chap 93 SumAgadhAvadAna and TJAM Chap 13 -", South Asian Clasical Studies, No. 12, July 2017, pp. 1-91.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Quotation-Text of the Unknown Cosmological Scripture of SAMmitIyas (2) - A Critical Edition and Japanese Translation of the Tibetan Text in the SaMskRtAsaMskRtavinizcaya, Chp. 8 -", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 76, March 2017, pp. 1-32.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Japanese Translation of MRgajAtaka (HaribhaTTajAtakamAlA 11)", South Asian Clasical Studies, No. 11, July 2016, pp. 1-16.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Quotation-Text of the Unknown Cosmological Scripture of SAMmitIyas (1) - A Critical Edition and Japanese Translation of the Tibetan Text in the SaMskRtAsaMskRtavinizcaya, Chp. 8 -", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 75, March 2016, pp. 15-53.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of the AvadAnakalpalatA and the AvadAnamAlAs (6) - AvadAnakalpalatA Chap. 83, TJAM Chaps. 3-4 and SMRAM Chap. 38 -", South Asian Clasical Studies, No. 10, July 2015, pp. 1-104.

Kiyoshi Okano, "The MahAsaMvartanIkathA by SarvarakSita: A Critical Edition of the Sanskrit Text (3)", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 74, March 2015, pp. 13-47.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of the AvadAnakalpalatA and the AvadAnamAlAs (5) - The 1st Chapter of TJAM and Tales of VirUpa and PadmAkSa -", South Asian Clasical Studies, No. 9, July 2014, pp. 101-198.

Kiyoshi Okano, "The MahAsaMvartanIkathA by SarvarakSita: A Critical Edition of the Sanskrit Text (2)", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 73, March 2014, pp. 1-36.

Kiyoshi Okano, "On TathAgatajanmAvadAnamAlA: Buddha's Biography in Sanskrit in Newar Buddhism", Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Vol. 62, No. 1, December 2013, pp. 330-323.

Kiyoshi Okano, "The MahAsaMvartanIkathA by SarvarakSita: A Critical Edition of the Sanskrit Text (1)", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 72, March 2013, pp. 47-80.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of the AvadAnakalpalatA and the AvadAnamAlAs (4) - Tales of NArakapUrvika, PretIbhUtamaharddhikA etc. -", South Asian Clasical Studies, No. 8, July 2013, pp. 161-264.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Chronology of the Universe According to the SAMmitIyas - A Summary of the MahAsaMvartanIkathA -", RonshU, Indogaku BukkyO Gakkai, Vol. 38, December 2011, pp.1-19.

Kiyoshi Okano, "Criticism on Non-buddhist Doctrines of the Genesis of This World - A Study of the MahAsaMvartanIkathA Ch. 1, Sec. 4 -", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 71, March 2012, pp. 1-46.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of the AvadAnakalpalatA and the AvadAnamAlAs (3) - AvadAnas of Subhadra, HetUttama and PretikA -", South Asian Clasical Studies, No. 7, July 2012, pp. 257-365.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of the AvadAnakalpalatA and the AvadAnamAlAs (2) - AvadAnas of Zakracyavana, Mahendrasena and PretikA -, South Asian Clasical Studies, No. 6, July 2011, pp. 165-266.

Kiyoshi Okano, "The Last Chapter of the MahAsaMvartanIkathA - A Study and Japanese Translation of the 6th Chapter -", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 70, March 2011, pp. 1-41.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of the AvadAnakalpalatA and the AvadAnamAlAs (1) - AvadAnas of Vidura, Kaineyaka and ZreSThipretIbhUta -", South Asian Clasical Studies, No. 5, July 2010, pp. 51-127.

Kiyoshi Okano, "Radical Changes from the SthaviravAdin Traditions of the Buddha's Bad Karma in the MahAyAna UpAyakauzalyasUtra", The Journal of the Nippon Buddhist Research Assocation, No. 75, May 2010, pp. 53-67.

Kiyoshi Okano, "Column 1: On the Field of Buddhist Narrative Literature", in: A New History of Buddhism in Asia, Vol.3: India III: The World of the Buddhist Scriptures, Kose Shuppansya, July 2010, Tokyo, pp. 62-65.

Kiyoshi Okano, "Interpretation on the Act of Murder by Shakyamuni in His Previous Life According to the UpAyakauzalyasUtra", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 69, March 2010, pp. 139-175.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Summary of the MahAsaMvartanIkathA - A Chronology of the Universe According to the SAMmitIyas", in: PAsAdikadAnaM. Festschrift fuer Bhikkhu PAsAdika. Indica et Tibetica 52. Herausgegeben von Martin Straube, Roland Steiner, Jayandra Soni, Michael Hahn und Mitsuyo Demoto. Marburg 2009. S. 323-342.

Kiyoshi Okano, "AvadAnakalpalatA Chaps. 94-97 and SMRAM Chap. 23. Texts and Translations of Yazomitra, VyAghrI, Hastin, Kacchapa", South Asian Clasical Studies, No. 4, July 2009, pp. 95-177.

Kiyoshi Okano, "SAMmitIyas' Account of the Period of Disappearance of All Living Beings. A Study and Japanese Translation of the MahAsaMvartanIkathA Ch.5, Sec. 1", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 68, March 2009, pp. 1-26.

Kiyoshi Okano, "AvadAnakalpalatA Chaps. 55, 91, 92 and Karmazataka 125, 126. Texts and Translations of SarvaMdada, Zibi, Maitrakanyaka", South Asian Clasical Studies, No. 3, July 2008, pp. 57-155.

Kiyoshi Okano, "Shortly Our World Must Be Over and Renewed - A Study and Japanese Translation of the MahAsaMvartanIkathA Ch.4, Sec. 2 - 4 -", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 67, March 2008, pp. 1-54.

Kiyoshi Okano, "On the Relationship between MaitreyavyAkaraNas and the MahAsaMvartanIkathA", RonshU, Indogaku BukkyO Gakkai, Vol. 34, December 2007, pp. (99)-(115).

Kiyoshi Okano, "KSemendra's DazakarmaplutyavadAna. A Text-critical Edition and Translation of the 50th Chapter of the BodhisattvAvadAnakalpalatA", South Asian Clasical Studies, No. 2, July 2007, pp. 201-301.

Kiyoshi Okano, "SAMmitIyas' Account of the Beginning of the World in the MahAsaMvartanIkathA Ch. 2, Sec. 1 - Sec. 3", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 66, March 2007, pp. 1-37.

Kiyoshi Okano, "An Essay on Formations of the BuddhAvadAna of the AnavataptagAthA and its Parallels, RonshU, Indogaku BukkyO Gakkai, Vol. 33, December 2006.

Kiyoshi Okano, "On the SubhASitamahAratnAvadAnamAlA", South Asian Clasical Studies, No. 1, July 2006, pp. 1-19.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of the Buddhabiography of the SAMmitIya School - MahAsaMvartanIkathA Ch. 1, Sec. 1 - 3. A Study and Japanese Translation -", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 65, March 2006, pp. 1-38.

Kiyoshi Okano, "Relationship of avadAnamAlAs to the AvadAnakalpalatA", Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Vol. 54, No. 1, December 2005, pp. 374-367.

Kiyoshi Okano, "MahAsaMvartanIkathA Ch. 5, Sec. 4 - Sec. 4 and Parallel Versions of the SaptsËryodayasËtra - Japanese Translations with Notes", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 64, March 2005, pp. 1-32.

Kiyoshi Okano, "On the Date of Foundation of the VAtsIputrIya- and the SAMmitIya-school", Journal of Nishi-Nippon Association for the History of Religions, No. 26, December 2004, pp. 41-61.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of Traditions on the SAMmitIya School (2): The School of the 'Seven Buddhas Sutra' and the Problem of the Ninth Kalpa", in: The 10th Anniversary of the Society of Research Society of Buddhism and Cultural Heritage, - In Honor of Doctor KenzO HOjO on His 70th Birthday, Sankibo Busshoten, May 2004, Tokyo, pp. 173-196.

Kiyoshi Okano, "MahAsaMvartanIkathA Ch. 2, Sec. 4 - Ch. 4, Sec. 1 and Parallel Versions of the Agganynyasutta - Japanese Translations with Notes", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 63, March 2004, pp. 1-110.

Kiyoshi Okano, "The Name of a Mythical Food in the AggaJJa-sutta: lasA / rasA / rasa", Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Vol. 52, No. 2, March 2004, pp. 854-851.

Kiyoshi Okano, "Relations Between Mankind, Plants and Animals in the Cosmological History of the SAMmitIya School", The Journal of the Nippon Buddhist Research Assocation, No. 68, May 2003, pp. 71-85.

Kiyoshi Okano, "Evil in Man --- From a Standpoint of Indian Buddhism", Journal of Nishi-Nippon Association for the History of Religions, No. 25, March 2003, pp. 120-133.

Kiyoshi Okano, "On the Eschatology of the SAMmitIyas of Indian Buddhism", Tetsugaku Nempo (Annual of Philosophy), No. 62, March 2003.

Kiyoshi Okano, "Apocalyptic Consciousnez of the Present Age According to the SAMmitIya School", Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Vol. 51, No. 1, December 2002.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of Traditions of the SAMmitIya School (1): the History of Mankind Viewed from the Standpoint of Deteriorations of Sesame, Sugar Cane and Dairy Products", in: Early Buddhism and Abhidharma Thought -- In Honor of Doctor Hajime Sakurabe on His Seventy-seventh Birthday, Heirakuji Shoten, May 2002, Kyoto.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of Traditions of the Sammitiya School: The Kalpa-ending Consciousness of the Present Kalpa", Yuan Kuang Buddhist Journal, Yaun Kuang Buddhist Institute, Taiwan, No. 6, 2001.

Kiyoshi Okano, "On the Relationship Between the *TridharmakazAstra of the VAtsIputrIyas and Works of the SAMmitIyas", Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Vol. 50, No. 1, December 2001.

Kiyoshi Okano, "Apocalyptic Consciousness in the Historical Cosmology of the SAMmitIyas", Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Vol. 49, No. 1, December 2000.

Kiyoshi Okano, "The Early Buddhist Cosmology and Problems of Ethics", The Journal of the Nippon Buddhist Research Assocation, No. 65, May 2000.

Kiyoshi Okano, "On the Belief in the Sites of the 'Eternal Return' of Buddha -- Thought of the Buddhist Pilgrimage in India", RonshU, Indogaku Shukyo Gakkai, Vol. 26, 1999.

Kiyoshi Okano, "Newly Identified Works of the SAMmitIyas", Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Vol. 47, No. 1, December 1998.

Kiyoshi Okano, "How Began our World? - the Myth of Origin of the World according to the SAMmitIya School of indian HInayAna Buddhism", Bunka, TOhoku Daigaku Bungaku-kai, Vol. 62, No. 1/2, 1998, pp. 176-158.

Kiyoshi Okano, "Lishiapitanlun (*Lokaprajnyapty-abhidharmazAstra) as a Cosmological Work of the SAMmitIya School", Memoirs of the ChUO Academic Research Institute, No. 27, 1998, pp. 55-91.

Kiyoshi Okano, "An Essay on the formations ot the MahAvastu (I), in: Tsukamoto KeishO KyOjyu Kanreki Kinen Ronbun-shU, Tokyo, 1993, pp. 271-283.

Kiyoshi Okano, "On a Adapted Work from the Buddhacarita of AzvaghoSa. An Unknown Biography of the Buddha Used in the Chinese *BuddhacaritasaMgrahasUtra and in DivAkara's Chinese Translation of a New Recension of the Lalitavistara", in: Indo ShisO ni okeru Ningen-kan, The View of Man in Indian Thought, Studies in Commemoration of the 65th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Chair of Indology & History of Buddhism at Tohoku University, Kyoto, 1991, pp. 57-77.

Kiyoshi Okano, "On the Oldest Form of the Lalitavastara", Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Vol. 40, No. 1, December 1991.

Kiyoshi Okano, "Eternal Return' of the Biography of ZAkyamuni Buddha", RonshU, Indogaku ShUkyO Gakkai, Vol. 17, 1990, pp. 109-93.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of Lalitavistara, (III)", Bunka, TOhoku Daigaku Bungaku Kai, Vol. 53, No. 3/4, 1990, pp. 268-249.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of the Lalitavistara (II)", RonshU, TOhoku Indogaku BukkyO Gakkai, Vol. 15, 1988, pp. 104-91.

Kiyoshi Okano, "A Study of the Lalitavistara (I)", RonshU, TOhoku Indogaku Shukyo Gakkai (Tohoku Association for Indology and Studies of Religion), Vol. 14, 1987, pp. 93-108.

Kiyoshi Okano, "Use of the Lalitavistara in the Chinese *BuddhacaritasaMgrahasUtra, Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Vol. 37, No. 1, December 1988, pp. 430-427.

Kiyoshi Okano, "On the Ch'i-fo-ching ('Seven Buddhas Sutra') and P'i-p'o-shih-ching ('VipazyI Buddha Sutra')", Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Vol. 33, No. 1, December 1984, pp. 128-129.

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